Tuesday, April 10, 2012


2 posts in one day.. whoa...

I just needed a little venting. complaining. whining. whatever you want to call it.

I NEED a day off.. OMG... we have worked straight through since last tuesday. No days off. Not even for Easter.

I 'm exhausted. My fibro is starting to get bad. I'm in bed early. Jasmine barely gets her walks. I'm taking way more drugs than i want too. I go home next monday.. but i'm not sure if i can make it till then.. uggghhhh They keep dropping new projects on us at work. For example, today at 3pm we were told to take some stuff down to the dressing rooms.. and after that we could go home... *super frowning face* I come back up to find we have to make a crown for the giant puppet. OMG.. i'm already too exhausted to move... and i have to do more.. NOoooooooo

At least today i got a huge compliment, or i'm taking it that way. The shop supervisor does amazing crafts. He's been making 4 Punch and Judy style puppets. He's quite the perfectionist... so when he came over to me and asked me to make a mob cap for Judy..i was floored and honored. Yaaayyy!! No one touches his stuff.. EVER!! So he respects and trusts my work.. Yayyyy!!!

Ok.. I'm going to go take drugs and pass out.

Good nigh :)

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