Sunday, January 1, 2012

Brand New Year!!!

Taking a small break right now. I did way to much yesterday. Today, I'm exhausted but i have Champagne. I was a poop and went to bed before midnight last night. So we had some at the family dinner. I'm the only one that really really drinks it..... SOoooo More for me.. Weeeeee!!!

Yesterday i did something epic. I said I was just going to shut the door to my sewing room, but when I went to find my sewing tools to pack... Well... chaos ensued. My husband came home to find me buried in my room, frantically cleaning. It's not spotless, but it's sooo much better. You can see the floor, the top of the table and the ironing board.. all of it!! Amazing really.

So in between entertaining family.. i'm still packing. And somehow i just reorganized the pantry. Don't ask, when i get motivated... get out of my way I've got just about everything packed. I still need my computer stuffs and my bath stuff. I'll probably think of little odds and ends as i go. I've been dragging this poor little note pad around with me all week. It's a little wrinkled, but it's doing the trick.

So Happy New Year Everyone!! Tomorrow starts a new chapter in my life. 2012 has to be a good year. It has no choice.  2011 was not good, sure it had it's bright spots... but overall.. *sad panda face*

So here's to a good year, a good life.. and a good trip with my pug Jasmine :)

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