Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The day i don't remember

And the reason i don't remember it.... The woods right behind the costume shop parking lot... they decided to do some sort of controlled burn. And the smoke coming off of it... ALL DAY... was terrible. I have a migraine, was nauseous.. and just an overall feeling of yuck. Our Draper went home early. I'm really surprised our pregnant first hand stayed. My partner in crime had a bad headache too.

They really really could have done it yesterday... there were no shows.. and a bare bones staff. Uggghh
When i came back from lunch.. the theater was clouded in this this smoke. So bad and ucky!! Who even knows what they were burning :(

At least i think i got a few mockups done for hats. Henry's hat and Anne's French hood. I also did tons of labeling for "Travels with my Aunt" which starts dress tonight. And i rebuilt bow ties.

And then my supervisor found this picture:

Please notice his headwear :)
 The hat that Henry is pictured in ... in ALL his portraits. Well his coronation portrait can't be left out. He just plopped the crown on top.. I couldn't stop laughing at this.

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